
Title Role Description Date
Quarto Websites Co-Instructor A full-day workshop at posit::conf(2024) where learners walk away with a customized personal website. Aug 2024
Reproducible publishing with Quarto Co-Instructor A full-day workshop at JSM 2024 for those coming to Quarto from R Markdown. Aug 2024
Intro to Quarto Instructor A half-day workshop at Cascadia R Conf for those new to Quarto. Jun 2024
Building Tidy Tools Co-Instructor A two-day workshop at rstudio::conf(2020) for those who have embraced the tidyverse and now want to expand it to meet their own needs. Jan 2020
Welcome to the tidyverse Co-Instructor Two low cost, one-day workshops targeting underrepresented groups, Atlanta GA, providing a feel for the complete data analysis process in R - from importing and manipulating data, through to visualization. Oct 2019
Happy R Users Purrr Designer/Instructor A tutorial on the R package purrr delivered at rstudio::conf 2017, Cascadia Conf 2017 and useR! 2017 Jul 2017
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